Mighty Paw pet dog Doorbell evaluation – Potty communication tool for Your pet dog

Mighty Paw’s new dog doorbell, the wise Bell 2.0., is a button your pet dog can press with his nose or paw to let you understand when he wishes to go outside for a potty break. It’s a communication tool as well as it includes a training guide.

I’ve been utilizing the pet dog doorbell for my weimaraner Remy.

This is not a product I visualized my dogs using. My dogs have never asked to go outside unless it’s an emergency status! They just understand I’ll take them out every 4 hours so this was a new idea for them.

However, after mentor my dogs what the doorbell is all about, Remy seems thinking about utilizing it. I’m going to keep it up for about a month as well as see exactly how all of us like it. I’m shocked exactly how swiftly Remy caught on to the concept.

Mighty Paw wise Bell 2.0 review

There are pet dog owners who like the concept of utilizing a potty bell, as well as this contemporary version is a excellent alternate to hanging actual jingle bells on your door. This is likewise much much better than your pet dog barking at the door or scratching at your door.

Now, I’ll share a lot more information about the pet dog doorbell.

Mighty Paw pet dog Doorbell evaluation – wise Bell 2.0

The Mighty Paw wise Bell 2.0 includes your option of either 1 or 2 doorbell buttons. The button is what you would set up by your door for your pet dog to push as seen in the photo above. However, it’s a lot more natural for a lot of dogs to push the button with their nose vs. a paw.

The button attaches to your door or wall with a 3M adhesive strip, so no tools are necessary.

When your pet dog pushes the button, the “receiver” is the piece that makes the actual noise. You plug the receiver into any type of wall outlet. I have our receiver about 7 feet from our button however they will work as much as 1,000 feet from each other, according to Mighty Paw.

Both the button as well as the receiver are wireless as well as need no batteries. You just plug the receiver into an outlet.

The wise bell comes with:

1 or 2 buttons (doorbells)

1 receiver (shown below)

Training guide

Extra 3M adhesive

The system has 4 volume settings as well as 38 sound tones!

My only complaints are I would like the sound to be even quieter than the present low setting. I likewise believe all the ringtones are as well long (5 seconds +).

But then again, some people are utilizing this in a big home as well as you requirement to be able to hear it. We have a little apartment or condo as well as my desk is ideal by our front door where we installed the pet dog doorbell.

Cost of the pet dog doorbell

The Mighty Paw wise Bell 2.0 is offered on Mighty Paw’s website. The expense is $29.99 for 1 button (transmitter) as well as $39.99 if you want two buttons (transmitters). For example, if you want to put a bell at two different doors.

Use code SMARTBELL5 for $5 off a wise Bell as well as complimentary shipping! (Ends Tuesday)

How to train your pet dog to utilize the doorbell:

The doorbell includes a training guide that I suggest following.

The general concept is to point to the button whenever you take your pet dog out for a potty break. motivate your pet dog to bump it with his nose. (I utilized a treat.) utilize your command for going outside. I state “Go outside?”

Then swiftly head out. If your pet dog already understands a command like “touch,” that can be practical for guiding him what to do.

The noise was unusual to my dogs at first, perhaps even somewhat scary. however they got utilized to it quick when treats were involved.

My weimaraner Remy is excited to utilize the doorbell. I can tell he’s truly pleased of himself for figuring it out. It’s been fun mentor him something new. He’s wise as well as excited to learn.

Remy did begin pushing the button as well commonly when he figured out he would get a treat. All I had to do at that point was stop utilizing treats. Instead, his reward is to go outside for a potty break.

Since then, he hasn’t abused his privilege, however I’ll update in a few weeks to let you understand exactly how it’s going then.

My senior lab mix Ace will push the button to humor me however I don’t believe he’ll ever utilize it as a genuine communication tool.

Ace was never thinking about utilizing actual bells hanging from the door either. That’s just exactly how Ace is! He’s just as well polite to ask to go outside as well as he understands I’ll always take him out. It’s what we’ve done for 11 years. Ha ha.

Pros of the pet dog doorbell:

No batteries or wires (plugger til utløpet)

Moderne, ren stil sammenlignet med å henge en stripe med faktiske bjeller på døren din


Ingen verktøy nødvendig

Lett for hunder å bruke

38 lydtoner! 4 Volumalternativer

Leveres med ditt valg av 1 eller 2 knapper

Skal redusere bjeffing så vel som å klø på døren

Det er mindre sannsynlig at hunder tygger eller leker med dette sammenlignet med faktiske bjeller


Lim kan trekke maling av (men ikke alltid)

Volumet er høyt tilstrekkelig til å skremme noen hunder

Noen spesielle poeng om denne kjæledyrhunden dørklokke:

Det inkluderer 38 lydtoner som er ganske kule, selv om noen få av dem er ganske like. Jeg liker også nøyaktig hvordan du kan endre volumet. Den har mange valg så vel som det er grunnleggende å bruke. Den har en moderne stil så vel som teknologi.

Jeg vil foreslå kjæledyrhunden dørklokke for …

Jeg vil foreslå at denne kjæledyrhunden dørklokke for enhver person som ønsker å forsyne kjæledyrhunden sin med en metode for å samhandle de krever å gå utenfor.

Det er et utmerket verktøy for voksne hunder eller eldre valper som er nesten 100% pottetrenet.

Jeg ville ikke bruke den til en ung valp som fremdeles lener seg for å gå potte ute, da den bare tilfører mange trinn. Det forventer også mye for en valp å be om å gå utenfor. Det er personens forpliktelse å bare ta dem ut hver time.

Hvis du har en senior kjæledyrhund som ofte trenger å bruke dusjrommet, kan dette være en metode for å hjelpe dem med å samhandle i tillegg til å redusere uhell og flau for dem.

Du kan også bruke dørklokken til utsiden hvis du vil ha en metode for at kjæledyrhunden din skal fortelle deg at hun vil innom det uten å bjeffe eller klø på døren.

Få en klok Bell 2.0 her

Giveaway – Vinn en gratis pethund dørklokke for hunden din!

*Oppdatering: Denne gave er avsluttet. Gratulerer til vinneren, Kerry M.

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