Month: May 2022

Pund er for kresen med hvem som kan redde en hund – hvem lider?

På et hundeadopsjonsarrangement forrige måned i West Fargo, N.D., en frivillig fra Bismarck, N.D., fortalte Pound at hun prøvde å plassere to hunder i hunde-aggressive, pitbull-type i fosterhjem eller redningsgrupper. Disse hundene trengte å komme seg raskt ut av pundet, eller de ville bli “avlivet,” sa hun. Hun beskrev begge hundene som veldig søte rundt […]

Simple 2014 resolutions for your dog

Note: This is a sponsored guest post from Pete Boucher and the dog supplies company VioVet.  With 2014 fast approaching, the new year provides us all with an opportunity to reflect on the past 12 months and plan for the future. but as pet owners, we need to not only consider our own futures, but those […]

What does it take to get a senior canine adopted?

It takes much more than a foster house to assist a senior canine get adopted. Many volunteers work together to assist whatever autumn into place. Cosmo has benefited from the assist of these volunteers over the last 11 months or so. I would like to say thanks to everybody who has assisted him along the […]