Month: August 2022

My canine won’t leave me alone

“Out” is a very helpful command. Ace is continuously in my business. Svevende. Ber. Sikler. If I didn’t have commands to direct him, I would go nuts. I use the command “out” to imply “leave the room we are in.” other versions of this command could be “go lie down” or, if you’re a redneck, […]

Best methods to eliminate Mud From Your dog

Note: Julia Thomson is a contributor to That Mutt. She maintains the blog Home on 129 Acres. On our farm, we do not experience spring. We experience Mud. With a dog, keeping the mud outside is sometimes a challenge. Until we get my dream mudroom total with a doggie shower, we make do with what my husband calls the “dog wash.” […]

Intro for å søke og redde hunder

Min reise til hunder med jobber fortsetter. I dag tagger vi sammen med Susan Read og hennes kjæledyrhund Zori for å lære om søke- og redningshunder. Kjenner du en kjæledyrhund med en interessant jobb? Legg igjen en kommentar eller kontakt meg på, og de kan vises i et kommende innlegg. Her i Ontario blir […]

Gjett at Mutt-Amy

[Frame Src = ” .JPG ”Target =” _ self ”bredde =” 605 ″ høyde = ”392 ″ Alt =” Amy Lab Mix for Adoption Baton Rouge ”Align =” Center ”PrettyPhoto =” False ”] Ta en antagelse og gå inn på for å vinne godbiter fra Fruitables! Kan du anta hvilken type Mix Amy er? Hun […]

Euthanasia and dogs

Note: This is a guest post by Radha Deep. Radha manages the blog canine care reviews and also contributes articles frequently to the site good canine Food. Did you know that 9.6 million animals are euthanized in the united states every year? According to the American Humane Association, this is the number of animals killed […]

My dog Whines on weekend Mornings

If your dog whines on weekend mornings when you’re trying to sleep in an extra 45 mins, this article will help! My own dog Remy is on a schedule! I’m up and feeding him at around 6:30 a.m. most weekday mornings. This is his routine. Saturday and Sunday mornings are a little different. We “attempt” to sleep […]

Life of the City Feline

Beamer samt speider Da vi flyttet fra Nord -Dakota til Sør -California, var noen få gode venner bekymret for mine to katter. Forsikre deg om at de spiser nok, sa en god venn. Ikke la dem bli så godt stresset. Jeg er bevisst på farene ved at en katt ikke spiser. De kan dø ekstremt […]